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Partner in the Schools

Scholastic Education helps teachers reach kids with a broad range of technology- and print-based programs

At its core, Scholastic has always been a company dedicated to helping children read. Beginning in the early 1960s, when Scholastic began to produce supplementary books and teaching texts, to the current explosion of technology and digital learning, the Company has stood out as a true partner to teachers and administrators. Today, Scholastic is harnessing the power of adaptive technology with programs that are grounded in research to help students achieve significant growth in reading and math, and through Scholastic Achievement Partners, serves as a solutions partner with school districts across the country.

“Technology plays a central role in reaching today’s kids in today’s classrooms,” said Margery Mayer, President, Scholastic Education. “Many of our programs have strong technology components to engage students, target their lessons, and monitor their progress.”

Programs like READ 180® and System 44 are proven-effective reading intervention programs that have cemented Scholastic as a valued resource and helped transform school districts. Additional innovative products like Expert 21, Expert Space, Read About, Timeliner® XE, FASTT Math, Do the Math®, Scholastic Zip Zoom English, Wiggleworks®, BookFlix, and Fraction Nation all target the hardest-to-reach children and support the development of core skills for a wide range of age groups and skill levels.

Scholastic also offers tools for assessment and data management, such as Scholastic Reading Inventory and Scholastic Reading Counts!, which help educators measure reading levels and provide customized instruction. And, teachers receive valuable support with the professional development resources of Scholastic U.

Scholastic Classroom and Library Group

“Every child has the right to read—and must read—in order to make sense of their world and to thrive in it,” said Greg Worrell, President of the Scholastic Classroom and Library Group (SC&LG). “Books and reading should be a part of every child’s life, in their classrooms and homes, with their teachers and families—from the day they are born and for the rest of their lives.”

In the classroom, after school, in libraries and at home, SC&LG reinforces learning everywhere. Our mission is to provide young people with access to text that is relevant and engaging, while supporting content area learning and information literacy that insures the highest levels of student achievement. Along with books and instructional materials to meet students’ needs, SC&LG provides workshops and extensive teaching resources to address the professional development needs of all teachers.

For classrooms, that means helping to identify critical resource gaps, and providing options that build classroom libraries to drive meaningful independent reading practice or for guided and leveled reading to differentiate instruction. We believe after-school hours are just as important, so Scholastic After-School Learning provides creative, fun, easy to implement lesson plans and activities that keep students engaged.

Because learning and literacy in the home are cornerstones of Scholastic’s mission, SC&LG partners with schools to extend literacy mentoring programs like Scholastic R.E.A.L. In addition, we work with community based organizations like Reading is Fundamental and Reach Out & Read to provide children and their families with best-selling, high-interest books they can cherish and enjoy at home.

Listening to Educators

Ever since the Company’s founder, M.R. Robinson, consulted with a group of principals in Pittsburgh on the creation of his first magazine in 1920, Scholastic has partnered with teachers, administrators, and other educators to learn about their instructional needs and goals. That is still the case today. Through the National Advisory Council, comprised of educators and researchers, Scholastic participates in conversations about the important topics and trends in education; what the Company learns helps inform product development and guides efforts to support instruction, engage students, and deliver effective educational resources.
