2 Ways to Help Kids Fall in Love With Grammar

Grammar is fun so let&s get children playing!

By Amy Mascott
Mar 01, 2013



2 Ways to Help Kids Fall in Love With Grammar

Mar 01, 2013

They say that the English language is the most difficult language to learn.  With its rules, exceptions to rules, and mile-long list of grammar rules, there’s no denying it’s no easy feat mastering this language.

However, as a lifelong grammarian and someone who actually gets a real kick out of diagramming sentences (really!), I’ve done my best to make grammar fun for my own three kids.

2 ways to help kids fall in love with grammar:

For early readers, try Story Repair.

Story Repair:  Work with your child to create a meaningful sentence. Begin by talking about your day, weekend, or plans for an upcoming event. Then write the sentence on a piece of construction paper.  Point to each word as you read it, and then cut the sentence apart, into strips.  Mix up the words and then challenge your child to ‘repair’ the sentence! 

Story Repair is hands-on, visual, and personal.  Kids love it. And parents can mix up the order of the words, talk about what sounds best and what doesn’t, and add to the story as you go.

Older readers will love Fill It In.

Fill It In: Get conversation rolling with your children by handing them a piece of paper with one of the following prompts:

Today, I really want to ( verb ).

I feel like a ( noun ) today.

This week would be better if I could have a little more ( noun ) in it.

My best pals are the ones who are ( adjective ) to me.

Not only will the Fill It In begin conversation, it will also help kids pay close attention to parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) and proper sentence structure. 

Before you know it, you’ll have expert grammarians on hand! So let’s start ( gerund ).  That’s right! (Hint: The gerund is a verb + ing that acts as a noun, remember?)

How do you make grammar fun for your kids? Share your thoughts on the Scholastic Parents Facebook page, or find Amy on twitter, @teachmama, and let’s continue the conversation!

Raise a Reader Blog
Age 10
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Grammar and Mechanics