The Best Books About Rejection for Kids

These stories will help kids navigate their own struggles with being left out and finding their place in the world.

Aug 15, 2022



The Best Books About Rejection for Kids

Aug 15, 2022

Rejection is a difficult feeling to process, no matter what stage of life your child is at. Parents know rejection comes in many different forms — from making friends to getting denied a role in the school play — which can certainly cause some anxious feelings for your child. 

Although you can’t protect your child from all negative emotions, a relatable book will help your kid use tools to understand their own struggles and become more confident in, say, making friends at school. Books about rejection come in a variety of genres, whether a picture book or novel, and will help your child learn healthy ways to respond to rejection. 

Kids Books About Rejection

If your kid is experiencing being left out while making friends, give them Owly: The Way Home — a beautiful story about a good-natured, gentle owl who wants to do good in the world but accidentally scares away prospective friends. Although Owly, the main character, struggles to make friends at first, his commitment to being kind and considerate ultimately leads him to amazing friends. 

Older children might enjoy Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone — a story about an orphaned boy rejected and neglected by his extended family. But one day, he finds himself with an invitation to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Although Harry faces criticism at Hogwarts, he overcomes his tough circumstances with the support of strong friends and an unwavering sense of self-esteem. Both avid and reluctant readers of all ages will delight in this story and learn the skills to be unapologetically themselves. 

Having conversations using children’s books about rejection can help your kid accept and openly talk about their feelings. Even picture books about dealing with rejection, like A Bad Case of Stripes, will help your child discover that they are not alone. Being able to relate to a character in a book not only boosts confidence in kids, but it also provides valuable knowledge about focusing on moving forward rather than getting stuck in the past. 

Boost your child’s self esteem and shop these books about rejection below! You can find all books and activities at The Scholastic Store.

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