Math: 2nd Grade

Help your child with 2nd Grade math with these activities that help foster learning outside the classroom.

By Shira Ackerman, MA
Jan 25, 2013



Math: 2nd Grade

Jan 25, 2013

Second graders continue to practice their addition and subtraction skills, eventually solving problems mentally and knowing how to add some numbers from memory. In many classes, math tools and manipulatives, such as blocks, tiles, and different shapes are used to help students practice math using concrete, visible objects. They learn to explain how they solve a problem using words and writing, as well as break down numbers to gain a better understanding. This helps students truly understand the concepts underlying the math they learn. In addition, students in 2nd grade begin to learn concepts that lay the foundation for multiplication as well as continue to gain a deeper understanding of the ideas underlying the math they learn.

In order to build math skills your 2nd grader:

  • Adds and subtracts numbers from 1-20 using mental strategies and ultimately, by the end of the year, adds two 1 digit numbers from memory.
  • Solves one and two-step addition and subtraction problems with numbers up to 100, using drawings and equations and explaining the process.
  • Learns the difference between odd and even numbers.
  • Begins learning the foundations of multiplication by adding the same number to itself (for example, 4+4) and grouping together the same number of objects to add up to more.
  • Understands and can break down a 3-digit number into groups of hundreds, tens, and ones.
  • Reads, writes and counts up to 1000, including being able to count by 5’s 10’s and 100’s.
  • Compares 3-digit numbers, using the signs: >, < and =.
  • Practices adding together up to four 2-digit numbers by skip counting and adding smaller part of the numbers together.
  • Measures objects and uses different units of measurement (for example, inches and centimeters).
  • Estimates an object’s measurement and measures how much longer one object is than another.
  • Tells time using analog and digital clocks.
  • Begins to solve world problems involving money.
  • Creates picture and bar graphs, and answers questions about the data represented in the graphs.
  • Recognizes triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes—and their defining characteristics, such as the number of angles and faces.
  • Breaks up shapes into halves, thirds, and fourths and uses smaller shapes to create larger ones.

Math Activities

  • Shop and Count: When you are with your child in the store, have her help you figure out the math involved in paying. Talk about change received, total money spent, or how much money you saved by using a coupon. You can also play “store” at home using real or game money.
  • Find and Build Shapes: When you see objects such as skyscrapers, picture frames, or even book shelves, ask your child to identify the different shapes she sees in it. Create your own objects using different shapes.
  • Make a Measure Treasure Hunt: Ask your child to measure different objects in the house. You can make this into a treasure hunt. Ask her to find two objects that are the same length, objects that are longer or shorter than each other, and the longest or shortest object she can find. She can even measure the people in your family. A tape measure, paper, and pencil are all she needs!
  • Time It: Ask your child to time how long it takes her (or another family member) to do something. Record these times and figure out how much longer one time is than another or help your child break her own record. 
Age 7