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/cj's Journal
The top five things I, CJ, need for adventure!

5. My notebook—for notes, drawings, maps, and important info.
4. My bike—one day, this will be a CAR and it will rule! But for now, it'll do.
3. My allowance—how can you really rock out without some cash?
2. My jacket—it's the coolest one ever, I got it for my bday. It's pink.
1. MY FRIENDS! DUH! Lesa, Kate, and Jenni totally have to come along!

Journal Entry

Okay, so here’s the scoop. Because of the whole pen pal thing in The Year of Secret Assignments, we decided to get pen pals of our own. So what we did was find a pen pal magazine (they really exist!) and found the most interesting people we could and wrote letters. I made friends with a girl my age who lives in Sweden (she writes really well in English, too!) who also likes reading and shopping and boys and all that good stuff. It’s so cool because now I have something to look forward to in the mail every week or so, and so do Kate and Jenni and Lesa....  I'm having so much fun, I am thinking of sending a letter off to this cool-sounding boy who lives in Australia, but we’ll see!!!

Isn’t it crazy, the way the weather can be in winter? We had a snowstorm here today (NO SCHOOL), which ruled—but here’s the real story. We all went sledding up on the big hill (which is where EVERYONE hangs out when it snows) and we were trying to look cool, but you know, be warm at the same time. But Kate was being kinda dumb, and wore these really cool, but not very warm, pants. Anyway, she took her sled down the hill, right in front of Brian, who is a year older than us and super-hot and OF COURSE is her super-secret crush, and you know what happened? She fell off her sled and tore a hole in her pants—right down the back. Jenni came to her rescue with an extra sweater, and Lesa and I tried to distract Brian as much as we could. But, he totally saw her wipe out, and so did his friend Chris. So we all left pretty soon after that, got some hot chocolate and tried to comfort her—then went home.  Now... bedtime for me!  xoxo

Archive Top 5 List & Journal Entry


Meeting My Cousins

Coming Home

New York City

My friends

The Weekend