Top 5 Things I LOVE About New York City

5. Bookstores EVERYWHERE
4. Meeting new friends
3. Hanging out w/Michelle
2. The subway
1. Times Square

Well, I'm here in New York City. Michelle met me at the airport and we took a cab to her apartment on the Upper East Side. I just stared out the windows the whole time, looking at all those things you see on TV - the buildings, the bridges, the lights! I still haven't seen any of the famous landmarks (except maybe the Empire State Building as we drove into the City). I can't wait til tomorrow!

Yesterday it rained so Michelle and I did laundry in her basement, where I met this girl Abigail. She's 6 months younger than I am, but acts so much older! Michelle invited her for pizza and I now have a new friend in New York City. We went shopping all day today and when we saw this bookstore in Union Square we both went running in.I know we're going to be friends for a long time!



My friends

The Weekend