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/cj's Journal
The Top 5 Things About Meeting My Cousins!

5. They have totally different accents than I do!
4. They have lots of fun ideas for things to do... I've never been into arcades...
3. Since one of them is sharing my room, she helps me keep it neat!
2. My mom has been making extra-special dinners all week long. YUM!
1. Not only did I meet family, but I made two new friends!

Journal Entry

Okay, so get this! I've never met my cousins Erica and Jesse before, but they've been here for about a week now, and we've all become friends. Especially Erica and me -- she's a year older than I am and we have a ton in common. And Jesse, who is two years younger, has been really cool -- he's the one who took me to the arcade, where I actually had a lot of fun. Anyway, they're going home tomorrow, so we all decided to do something different last night, and went roller skating! It was so funny! Erica has never been skating before, but we went to this indoor place. I taught her how to skate, and she only fell once! I'm glad we're friends though, since I'd have been pretty mad if anyone else pulled me down like she did. Hah! I'm going to miss them so much when they leave, but my parents said I could probably go visit them over the summer. YAY! :)

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