
Setting up a ClassroomsCount™ campaign only takes a few minutes. (Simply create a page in three easy steps, share with your friends and family, and spend every penny the moment you receive it.) The impact it can make on your students is enormous and worth every second.  

To help you share your campaign, raise funds, and support your students, here are a few actionable tips from teachers who have successfully met their goals.

Tip #1: Make It Personal 

When ELA teacher Danielle Iannelli shared her campaign with friends, family, and students’ parents or caregivers, she described exactly why she wanted to raise funds. In her classroom, Danielle hosts “Book Tastings,” in which she decorates her classroom like a restaurant — and even dresses up like a chef! — to encourage students to try new books. 

Along with her ClassroomsCount™ campaign link, Danielle shared a link to a Google Drive folder with photos of the event. In her campaign description, she nodded to this by writing: “Last September, I was able to have a Book Tasting, and the kids were obsessed! Take a look at the photos!” 

Danielle raised a total of $970, which was three times her original goal. Sharing personal details about how you're making an impact on your students, helps to drive contributions. 

Tip #2: Help Contributors Feel Special 

Many teachers post their campaign with a call-out as simple as: “Will you be a Book Fairy for my students?” Adding a dust of magic to the process can make potential contributors feel extra impactful in supporting your campaign. 

"I think using the term 'book fairy' really worked to create a personal connection," says Carrie McDonald, a teacher who funded her campaign within two hours. "I make cute labels that say 'From Your Book Fairy" that I put inside each of the books, so parents know it came through a Scholastic campaign."

Teachers have even asked friends and family to share "why they love to read" or "their wishes for students that year" in the comments when they contribute. These personal notes are then featured on book plates for students to inspire and motivate them in their reading journeys. 

Tip #3: Be Honest About What You Need

By genuinely describing her situation, teacher Jennifer Becker was able to get the books she needed to refresh her classroom library. 

“Be real and genuine in your ask — like, ‘I need fresh books, the books I have are tired,’” says Jennifer.  “I think just being honest with your needs helps people feel more connected because it doesn’t look formulaic or impersonal.” 

If you need more high-interest, low-level books, say that when you share your campaign on social media or in an email. If you want to build a more diverse classroom library, express that and perhaps note what books you would purchase with your ClassroomsCount™ funds. 

Start your own ClassroomsCount™ campaign today in 3 simple steps! For more advice, here are five tips for starting a successful campaign and 10 teachers who funded their campaigns successfully.

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