
Teachers can raise funds for their classroom through Scholastic with a ClassroomsCount™ campaign. Here’s how one inspiring teacher used her campaign to give her students books every month. Start your own campaign to get books, magazines, and more trusted products in kids’ hands!  

Carrie McDonald was scrolling through her phone one day — when she noticed that Scholastic was giving teachers a way to raise funds for their class. 

Inspired, she created a ClassroomsCount™ campaign within 10 minutes. In it, Carrie wrote that she was raising money to sponsor students in her kindergarten class with monthly books — and asked for "book fairies" to support her. She shared it on social media (doing so makes it 4 times more likely that your campaign will get funded!) and told her community that it would be the perfect birthday gift for her 45th birthday. 

Within two hours, her community funded her original goal of $180. 

"I think using the term 'book fairy' really worked to create a personal connection," Carrie says. "I make cute labels that say 'From Your Book Fairy" that I put inside each of the books, so parents know it came through a Scholastic campaign."

Since the campaign was earning even more than she expected, Carrie decided to expand her goal to $360. This new goal would also give each child a hardcover book of their choice for their birthday! In less than a week, her new goal was funded. 

“I couldn’t believe how fast the campaign hit its goal,” says Carrie. “It was so much easier than having to collect money on my own through checks and cash. I posted it, promoted it, and contributors were able to leave a comment, which was really nice.” 

Support your students by raising funds for your classroom! Start a ClassroomsCount™ campaign today

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