Traveling With Preschoolers: Twitter Party for Parents

Find out how to enjoy an almost meltdown-free family vacation with your preschoolers or toddlers by joining our upcoming Twitter Party.

Feb 15, 2017
Child passing through the airport terminal

Feb 15, 2017

Missed naps! Late lunches! No routine whatsoever! Traveling with preschoolers can be tough. But it doesn't have to be!

Find out how to enjoy an almost meltdown-free family vacation with your preschoolers or toddlers by joining us for the Traveling with Preschoolers Twitter Party, to discuss tips for traveling with your little ones and why it is so important. Plus, learn some tricks for planning and saving on your next family vacation!

When: March 14, 8:00 p.m. EST

How: Use #WWDTravelingwithkids to follow and join the conversation!

Participants: Along with a travel expert from Walt Disney World, some of the country’s top parenting traveling bloggers will also be weighing in. 

Here are some of the key questions we'll be answering: 

  • What are the essentials should you pack for a plane or long car ride to help prevent the chorus of “are we there yet?
  • Why is it so important to travel with your preschooler before they start kindergarten? 
  • How can you plan for a trip that stays in your budget?
  • How can you get the whole family involved in planning the trip?
  • What’s the biggest no-no for traveling with preschoolers?
  • What are the things you should never leave home without when traveling with little ones?

And that's only the beginning! 

Looking for more tips to help you prepare for family travel? Go to our Smart Family Travel page. 

Also, be sure to enter our Tiny Traveler Sweeps!