Introduction: 2nd Grade Curriculum

Discover the topics covered in your child&s 2nd Grade classroom and ways to continue this learning at home.

By Shira Ackerman, MA
Jan 25, 2013



Introduction: 2nd Grade Curriculum

Jan 25, 2013

In 2nd grade, students have adjusted to the more rigorous learning environment they initially encountered in 1st grade and are able to further deepen and expand their skills and knowledge. In 2nd grade, they become more experienced writers, readers, and mathematicians as they practice these skills more and in more complex and comprehensive ways. They read longer and more complicated books, they write longer and more complex pieces, and they learn more of the concepts underlying the math they do. In addition, 2nd graders begin to develop their research and critical thinking projects as they create individual and group work to share and present what they learn through different forms, including writing, speaking, and art.

The 2nd grade classroom is structured like most elementary school classrooms, with desks or tables for the students and usually an area for lessons and class meetings and discussions. There are often also areas or centers dedicated to different subjects of learning.  For instance, there may be an area with all of the math tools and supplies and a class library dedicated to reading. Technology also becomes a more important part of the 2nd grade classroom as students learn about and use it more, specifically for publishing their writing. 

Don’t forget to check out our extensive resources on homework help for 2nd Grade here.

Age 7