Point-of-View Tales

Explore an alternate perspective.



Point-of-View Tales

What you need: 

  • paper 
  • pens or pencils 
  • crayons and/or markers

What to do:

  1. Begin by discussing with your child how different people have varying perspectives on events. For example, a police officer might describe a crime differently than the accused criminal would.
  2. With your child, pick a favorite fairy tale. Then challenge her to tell it from a different perspective. For instance, she could retell Cinderella from the point of view of the prince or one of the stepsisters. Or how about Snow White from the viewpoint of one of the dwarfs?
  3. Encourage her to write and illustrate her tale. How can she use pictures to enrich the story?
  4. For another version of this activity, try telling a family story from a different point of view. This could be a holiday story from a grandparent's perspective or a vacation story from the perspective of the youngest child or the family pet.
Writing Activities
Age 10
Age 9
Age 8
Creative Writing
Writing Prompts