Egg Carton Caterpillar

Inspire your toddler's creativity with this clever creature.



Egg Carton Caterpillar

What you need:

  • egg carton
  • scissors
  • pipe cleaners
  • glue
  • felt
  • tissue paper
  • markers

What to do:

  1. Cut an egg carton in half lengthwise, so you have a "caterpillar" that is six egg-lengths long. Cardboard egg cartons work best, but Styrofoam will work too.
  2. If you are working with a cardboard egg carton, invite your child to use markers to color his caterpillar. (The marker won't stick to Styrofoam.)
  3. Cut the felt and tissue paper into smaller pieces (watch carefully to make sure your child does not put the pieces into his mouth). Put drops of glue on the caterpillar and then encourage your child to give the caterpillar spots with felt and tissue paper.
  4. Poke small holes on top of the caterpillar's head and use pipe cleaners to make antennae. Give your caterpillar eyes too!
  5. Finish by asking your child to name his caterpillar creation! You can also read Eric Carle's classic book The Very Hungry Caterpillar with your child. How is your child's caterpillar similar to the caterpillar in the story? How is it different?
Craft Activities
Arts & Crafts Printables
Motor Skills
Age 3
Age 2
Age 1
Shapes and Sizes
Motor Skills
Early Science
Arts and Crafts