The Best Stories to Read to All of Your Kids at Once

Even if they span a range of ages, your kids will be entranced by these spectacular titles.

By Scholastic Parents Staff
Jun 23, 2021



The Best Stories to Read to All of Your Kids at Once

Jun 23, 2021

If you tend to run out of time to read to each of your kids separately, captivating stories that appeal to everyone at once will help. Certain books are particularly engaging for a wide range of ages, allowing you to capture everyone’s attention and spark their love of reading at the same time.

“When looking for a read-aloud that appeals to all ages, I like to find humorous titles, modern folktales, and books that break the ‘fourth wall,’” says Scholastic senior librarian Deimosa Webber-Bey. “These engaging characteristics can make a ‘baby book’ fun for older siblings, or break up the narration for younger readers.”

For instance, there’s Echoa beautiful story by Pam Muñoz Ryan that follows three different kids in the mid-20th century who are connected by a harmonica. Webber-Bey also recommends Shaun Tan's The Arrival, a masterful wordless depiction of the immigrant experience. Flip through the book as a family, discussing the images and creating your own narrative as you go. 

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