The Administrator Magazine RSS Widget provides the latest news from the Administrator website
The Administr@tor Widget is the best way to bring Scholastic Administr@tor's  magazine content to your faculty, staff, and other visitors. Each time an Administr@tor article is posted to the site the widget will bring the headlines and a link to the story to your Web page, so your site's users can view and read the content. This is the ultimate way to keep your users "in-the-know," and it will ultimately help you educate your Web site community with the best Scholastic has to offer.

How do I add Administr@tor content to my school’s Web site?

Adding a Scholastic RSS feed is easy. All you or your tech administrator needs to do is add the code we’ve provided to the page where you want to feature Scholastic Administr@tor content.

Follow these steps:
1. Place your cursor in the “Embed” field to the right to select and copy the text.
2. Paste the text into the existing code for your Web page.
Here's an example of how it would look on your blog or Web page:
Copy the code below and paste it into your Web page code to embed the Scholastic Administr@tor Widget into your site:
