
If your workspace starts the day clean and tidy but winds up messy by the time school lets out, then this is the list for you! An organized teaching space helps to boost productivity, improves focus and efficiency, and enhances the classroom learning experience for both you and your students. 

Teacher Tiffani Mugurussa is a big fan of organizational tools, and her system for workplace management is sure to help you save time and stay organized.

Get the Right Containers for the Job

Without suitable storage, your desk will be constantly cluttered. A few new containers can make all the difference in keeping your supplies and materials neatly in their place. You will need:

  • Plastic bins or other small containers to hold pens, paper clips, scissors, and other supplies.
  • Folders for important files you need to keep at the ready, such as IEPs.
  • A bookshelf or two to hold curriculum manuals and resource file binders.
  • Binders for lesson plans and resources. 

Binder Tip: As you plan for your next lesson, use sticky-notes to mark the pages you need to copy, take the binder to the copy room, and return to the shelf when finished. Many teachers find using binders easier and more flexible than using filing cabinets.

Organize Your Daily Plans...

Make a “Daily Plans” box with colorful, hanging file folders to store your lesson copies for the day you need them. If you keep your Daily Plans box on your desk, it will be easy to find (even for a substitute). Everything you need for each day of the current week’s lessons should be in the box in a separate, labeled folder.   

...And Also Plan Ahead!

An old mail sorter (or any shelf with lots of narrow cubbies) will come in handy for planning ahead. Instead of making all of your copies the week before, you will be able to copy, organize, and store materials weeks — or even months — in advance. Sort and separate your copies, and once you have everything you need for a particular lesson, place them in an empty mail slot until needed. 

For quick and easy access, use the top of your shelf to store containers of your most frequently-used curriculum manuals or your math and literacy stations.  

Utilize Bulletin Boards

Hang a bulletin board near your desk to pin important notes you don't want to lose. If these notes were tucked away in a planner, they would be out of sight and out of mind. But on a bulletin board, the notes are easy to find and reference whenever you need them. Hang a small dry erase board near your bulletin board to jot down meetings, the times your students access special services, and other to-dos.

A functional teaching station where everything is neatly organized and easy to access makes planning a cinch. Set yourself up for success by ending each day with a clean and tidy desk that is ready for you when you return to school the next day.

Shop helpful teacher organization tools below! You can find all books and activities at The Teacher Store.

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