
Key Takeaways:

  • Back-to-school season is a great time to refresh and restock your classroom library.
  • For a rich, robust classroom library that meets the needs of all your students, set a goal of having 25 books per student across all genres.
  • From eye-catching board books to titles that promote social-emotional learning, Scholastic has everything you need to take your library to the next level and inspire the next generation of readers in an affordable way.

The best classroom libraries are always a work in progress. Every week there are new and exciting titles your young readers will want to get their hands on, classics you know your students should read, and leveling, storage, and classroom organization projects that have to be completed.

With back-to-school season in full gear, we know you’re diligently checking off your classroom library to-do lists and looking for affordable ways to refresh your classroom library at the same time. As you breathe new life into your bookshelves, it’s always important to keep a few things in mind:

  • A robust classroom library should contain 25 books per student across all genres.
  • Make sure you have plenty of books with authentic, rich text, with fiction and nonfiction titles across relevant content areas.
  • From short text, board books and picture books, to culturally diverse titles, it’s important to vary the types of books you choose to stock your bookshelf.
  • Expand reading levels and offer opportunities for differentiated and independent reading.
  • Look for simple solutions to make your classroom library more comfortable and inviting, so reading is that much more enjoyable for your young readers.

Of course, when it comes to refreshing your classroom library during back-to-school season, the biggest challenge is doing so without breaking the bank. With Scholastic, it’s easy to add all the must-have paperback books your young readers can’t wait to read, while sticking to your budget. From picture books for your youngest readers to titles that promote social-emotional learning across grade level, Scholastic can help you breathe new life into your classroom library in an affordable way.

Also, if you’re building your classroom library or looking to take it to a whole new level, consider these engaging collections and libraries. Whether you want to transform your classroom library with an effective guided reading program or add a shelf for STEM titles, we have everything you need to get your students excited about reading and learning in the new year. For more teaching tools and materials to kick of the new year, check out these essential teacher resources from Scholastic.

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