
Waddle into winter with one of students' favorite animals: the penguin! There are endless fascinating facts to share with your class about the species — and they're packed into the books in this list. 

Penguin books are perfect for read-alouds, science lessons, environmental studies, and geography. Read books like Scholastic Discover More: Penguins to learn about how penguins get ready for winter. Next, discuss with your class how humans get ready for the winter season — whether it is stocking up on wood for the fireplace or setting out their warmest winter jackets. 

Meanwhile, Pierre the Penguin is a heartwarming story about a team of scientists who worked together to save Pierre's life. Pierre started losing his feathers, which made him too cold to swim and an outcast in his community. With creativity and dedication, biologists designed a wet suit that kept him warm in the water. 

There is also Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere! — a whimsical story packed with charming rhymes and informative facts to introduce students to the world of penguins. From their famous waddle to their iconic black and white "tuxedos," penguins have a way of capturing the curiosity and hearts of young children. 

Shop penguin and winter books for students of all ages below! You can find all books and activities at The Teacher Store.