
    The new year is almost here and it’s the perfect time to get a fresh start in your classroom. Reflecting on the accomplishments of the first half of the school year is a positive way for students to see how far they've come, and help them set achievable goals for the remainder of the year. Whether their goals are academic or personal, here are seven printables to provide a little inspiration and help students make New Year’s resolutions as they develop their math, reading, and writing skills.

    1. Happy New Year!: All About Me (Grades PreK-K)

    Invite Pre-K students and kindergarteners to count down to the new year and answer a fun prompt with this ready-to-go activity.

    2. Welcome in the New Year (Grades K-1)

    From jingling bells to singing and clapping, this cheery mini-book shares several ideas to help kindergarteners and 1st grade students celebrate the new year.

    3. My New Year's Wish: Draw and Write Prompt (Grades K-2)

    Encourage young students to dream big and share what they hope to achieve in the new year with this printable page.

    4. New Year's Party Hat Glyph (Grades 1-3)

    Looking for a little festive classroom inspiration for the new year? Check out this resource for a cute bulletin board idea that also helps students practice chart skills.

    5. Giant New Year Wristwatch: Math & Art Activity (Grades 1-3)

    There’s no time like the present to help students to learn how to tell time! Try this creative project in your classroom to hone math skills.

    6. My Book About New Year's Celebrations (Grades 2-3)

    Give 2nd grade and 3rd grade students a global perspective on New Year’s celebrations with this nonfiction mini-book of traditions around the world.

    7. New Year's Eve: Holiday Ideas (Grades 1-6)

    Show students how people celebrate New Year’s Eve in other cultures with these printable fun facts, then encourage them to write down their reflections on their own traditions!

    You can find more printables to help your students develop the skills they need to reach their New Year’s resolutions—and gain access to thousands of downloadable teacher resources to help you achieve your goals for the year—when you log in or subscribe to Scholastic Teachables today!