Architect/Artist Activities & Resources: Ages 11-13

Feb 01, 2013



Office supplies

Feb 01, 2013


Thinking visually and planning spatially are strengths for your Architect/Artist.  Most Architect/Artists are visual learners and benefit from seeing what is desired or expected.  Try some of these activities that will cater to your child’s orientation to learning.

  • Help your child bring her visual abilities to data presentation and analysis, along with higher order thinking. For example, here is one visual data tool that examines the impact of each nation’s carbon footprint in an interactive way:
  • There are many ways to make learning more visual for your child.  For example, instead of simply memorizing formulas, Architect/Artist children can better understand them with some visual foundations laid down first. For example, use Cheez-Its® to help your child understand area, perimeter, fractions, even the Pythagorean Theorem!
  • Being visually-oriented can be a great asset in learning to take notes and organize ideas.  When your child is reading, have her apply sticky notes to important pages, highlight important passages in various color pens, and show her how to take notes according to theme/topic in different colored pens or fonts.
  • So many Artist/Architects are looking for continual challenges as she hits middle school  Think Art Club or Graphic Novel class.  For some at-home fun with the many ways you can get creative with paper and pop-ups, check out:
  • Have fun with a homemade version of  battleship!  Divide two pieces of graph paper into 4 equal squares/quadrants (one for each  player).  Down the middle or each, draw the X and Y axis.  Have each player “place” their ships of agreed-upon sizes in the various quadrants without the other person knowing.  Players try to find where the other has “hidden” their ships by asking only (X,Y) coordinates.
  • There are many online resources for Architect/Artist children.  Check out some of these:
  • Put your visual powers to the test with this 3-d version of tic tac toe                    
  • Practice visual memory with this game:
  • Your child’s visual acuity can support learning in other areas.  For example, to get more practice with idioms, try out this fun interactive:, or this one for working on sequencing and inference:
  • Video compilations are a perfect way to explore and present on any subject, or even just for fun.  One super intuitive tool:
  • Spatial thinkers often love graphic novels and comics.  What a wonderful way to explore themes in literature or to engage in storytelling!
  • Create visual images with your words and combine the spoken, the written, and the visual:
  • There are so many ways to use technology in visual ways!  What about a search engine like this for your Architect/Artist: ? Or a visual dictionary/thesaurus such as ?
  • Looking for some comics that integrate science in various ways?  Give the Periodic Table of Comic Books a try!
  • Engage your visual learner with these animated math videos:
  • Get collaborative online with this fun interactive tool:
  • Mind maps are for sure the way to go with your Artist/Architect.  Take a look at  and
  • Even language-based activities can be enhanced with a strong visual component.  Take a look at for some good learning fun! You will need to engage in a series of clicks to unlock the questions, and most of the strategy-work is nonverbal…question difficulty varies. 
Age 13
Age 12
Age 11