4 Toys That Promote Diversity

Encourage exploration of many cultures by providing pretend-play props that span the globe.




Stock your child's play area with:

  1. Wooden or plastic figures of diverse people and animals. Look for a range of skin tones in the dolls, puppets, crayons, and other materials you choose for your child's play.
  2. Food boxes from cultures other than your family's. The people and the print on the boxes may be different from what your child is accustomed to seeing, but they provide an opportunity for more conversation about people from different places.
  3. Unique props for dramatic play. Offer articles of clothing, toys, and instruments from grandparents or other relatives that reflect your child's origin and culture.
  4. Coins and money from different countries. Talk to your child about where the currency comes from; read books about the people who live there. Investigate the meaning behind the pictures on paper bills.
Creativity & Play
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3
Culture and Diversity
Games and Toys
Tolerance and Acceptance