The 10 Most Influential People In Family Life Today

They impact everything from the food our children eat in school to the movies that our families watch to the way moms confide in each other.

By Maria Speidel
Feb 06, 2013

Feb 06, 2013

1. Moms

Don’t get us wrong — dads are a key part of family life, with many more involved in parenting than ever before. But (and this probably won’t surprise you) research shows that mothers still handle the bulk of family decisions.

According to surveys, Mom, 85 percent of you control your household’s spending; the same number of you choose your children’s doctor. And mothers make up 90 percent of the local PTA (though the presence of dads is growing). You are fitting this all in despite the fact that the number of moms who work outside the home has shot up to 71.6 percent from 47.4 percent four decades ago. Whew!

The 9 other influencers:

Photo: Seth Smoot

Wardrobe styling: Annie; Nicholas/Ennis Inc.

Hair and makeup: Gigi Gommers/Ford artists

Raising Kids