The Mud Monster

THE MUD MONSTER It only comes out at night... when things are scarier. Half-dead and half-alive, pulling itself up from the muddy creek in the deep, dark woods -- beware! The Mud Monster is real!

Thick glops of mucky good drip off its skinny, scraggly body. Its human shape is gruesomely twisted by years of wallowing in its swampy home. What would appear to be its clothes are but torn rags, tattered and decayed. Its sunken eyes peer out from the filthy gunk dribbling off its hideous face. As it staggers forward, with arms outstretched and its feet smacking wetly over the marshy ground, the Mud Monster simply oozes terror in the pale, yellow moonlight.

Legend has it the Mud Monster is over one hundred years old and was originally a poor villager, banished by poverty to live in a little hut along the creek bank. One evening a terrible storm unleashed a tidal wave of heavy, black mud which swept over the entire area. Like lava from a volcano, it buried everything beneath it in endless mounds of sludge -- everything including the poor villager.

Once every year since, when the moon is full, the Mud Monster rises from the quagmire, its body slowly poking up out of its slushy grave. It makes its way among the whispering trees for some dirty dancing in the moonlight.

Most terrifying of all, the Mud Monster is not alone! In fact, there are many, many Mud Monsters who emerge in the madness of the full moon, eagerly looking for new victims to pull down in the slime with them.

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