Authors and Illustrators

Biographies, interviews, author and study resources for children's book authors and illustrators

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Author and Illustrator Index

Enrich your author studies with our collection of biographies and interviews with the best-loved authors in children's literature. .

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Napoli, Donna Jo Nields, Nerissa
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Nielsen, Jennifer A.
Nees, Susan Nimmo, Jenny
Nelson, Kadir Nix, Garth
Nesbitt, Kenn Nixon, Joan Lowery
Neubecker, Robert Norrie, Christine
Newquist, H.P. Numeroff, Laura
O'Brien, Robert C. Olaleye, Isaac O.
O'Connell, Jennifer Oppenheim, Joanne
O'Neill, Alexis Osborne, Mary Pope
Pak, Soyung Philbrick, Rodman
Pallotta, Jerry Pichon, Liz
Papademetriou, Lisa Pierce, Tamora
Parish, Peggy Pilkey, Dav
Park, Barbara Pinkney, Andrea Davis
Park, Linda Sue Pinkney, Jerry
Parker, Kim Pinkney, Myles C.
Paterson, Katherine Pinkney, Sandra L.
Patterson, James Polacco, Patricia
Paulsen, Gary Pollet, Alison
Peck, Richard Porte, Barbara Ann
Pelzer, Dave Preller, James
Pennypacker, Sara Prelutsky, Jack
Perlman, Rhea Pringle, Laurence
Peterson, John Prue, Sally
Pfeffer, Susan Beth Pullman, Philip
Pfister, Marcus  
Raschka, Chris Roberts, Katherine
Raskin, Ellen Robinson, Sharon
Regan, Dian Curtis Rocklin, Joanne
Reiche, Dietlof Rodda, Emily
Reisfeld, Randi Roland, Timothy
Remkiewicz, Frank Roop, Peter
Reynolds, Peter H. Rose, Deborah Lee
Ricks, Sam Rowling, J. K.
Rinaldi, Ann Rozakis, Laurie
Ringgold, Faith Ryan, Pam Muñoz
Riordan, Rick Rylant, Cynthia

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