Authors and Illustrators

Biographies, interviews, author and study resources for children's book authors and illustrators

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Author and Illustrator Index

Enrich your author studies with our collection of biographies and interviews with the best-loved authors in children's literature. .

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L'Engle, Madeleine Levy, Elizabeth
Lamb, Albert Lewin, Betsy
Langan, Paul Lewis, C. S.
Lansky, Bruce Lewis, E. B.
LaRochelle, David Lewis, J. S.
Larson, Kirby Lionni, Leo
Lasky, Kathryn Lobel, Arnold
Leedy, Loreen London, Jack
Lerangis, Peter Lopez, Diana
Lerman, Drew Lord, Cynthia
Lessem, Don Loveridge, Matt
Lester, Julius Low, Alice
Levine, Alan J. Lowry, Lois
Levine, Ellen Lubar, David
Levine, Gail Carson Lupica, Mike
Levinson, Nancy Smiler Lynch, Chris
MacDonald, Suse McMullan, Kate
Mack, Tracy McNulty, Faith
MacLachlan, Patricia McWhorter, Diane
Maestro, Betsy Meadows, Daisy
Maestro, Giulio Medearis, Angela Shelf
Manushkin, Fran Merrell, Billy
Marlow, Layn Meyer, Carolyn
Marko, Cyndi Mikaelsen, Ben
Marrin, Albert Miles, Ellen
Martin, Ann M. Miller, Lee
Martin Jr., Bill Miller, Millie
Martin, Rafe Milne, A. A.
Marzollo, Jean Minor, Wendell
Mass, Wendy Mitchell, Todd
May, Kyla Mitton, Tony
Mayer, Mercer Mochizuki, Ken
Mayhew, James Mohr, Nicholasa
Mazer, Anne Molloy, Michael
Mazer, Norma Fox Montes, Marisa
McClintock, Barbara Moore, Cyd
McCourt, Lisa Mora, Pat
McCoy, Mimi Morpurgo, Michael
McCullough, Noah Moss, Marissa
McCully, Emily Arnold Mull, Brandon
McCutchen, H. L. Munsch, Robert
McDonald, Megan Muntean, Michaela
McGovern, Ann Murphy, Jim
McHale, Des Murray, Martine
McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy Muth, Jon J.
McKissack, Fredrick Myers, Christopher
McKissack, Patricia Myers, Walter Dean
McMillan, Bruce  

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