5 Tips for Teaching Name Writing

Ease anxiety and keep name-writing practice fun and a positive experience (for both you and your child!) with these five tips.

By Bekki Lindner
Sep 28, 2014



5 Tips for Teaching Name Writing

Sep 28, 2014

Teaching your children to write their names can seem like a daunting task. When should you start? How can you help? How much practice is enough? It can be overwhelming. While name-writing can be a challenging experience for children and parents, it doesn't have to be. When you stop to celebrate effort and improvement, practice at a slow yet consistent pace, and minimize criticism, name-writing can be an exciting activity. I love watching my almost four-year-old light up when he writes the letters of his name. He knows and understands that he is becoming a writer! Here are five tips to help ease anxiety and keep name-writing practice a fun and positive experience (for both of you!).

1. Stay Positive
Resist the urge to be a handwriting stickler. While letter formation is important, nothing will shut down a budding writer more quickly than being "nitpicked." Handwriting mastery will come with practice. Don't expect or demand perfection. Accept your child's attempts and encourage him by pointing out his improvements and praising his sincere efforts.  

Letters may be backwards, huge, inconsistent, and messy. Learning a new skill can be tough. Be quick to comment on what he's done correctly and slow to comment on his mistakes.

2. Use the Right Tool
Helping your child use the correct writing tool can impact his overall writing experience.

Children who are in kindergarten and above should practice name-writing with a pencil. Classroom teachers typically do not allow students to write with crayon, so encourage your child to practice with the tool she will use at school.

Practicing with a golf pencil (small pencil) is optimal for young writers, as the smaller tool forces correct grip and teaches children to grip near the tip of the pencil. (Here are more tips for teaching proper grip.)

Discourage the use of pens with young writers. Pens slip, are hard to grip, and are almost never allowed in the elementary school setting.

3. Take It Slow and Steady
When working on a new skill, it is important to work at your child's pace. Writing and fine motor control can be difficult for many children, and too much practice can easily overwhelm young learners. When beginning to work on name-writing, start with one letter. Practicing one letter 5-10 times per day may be appropriate for young learners. As your child begins to master one letter, add in the next. This Scholastic Early Learners Wipe Clean Workbook - Pre-K: Alphabet is a fun, easy way to practice.

If your child becomes frustrated during practice, encourage one more try, and then pick it up again the next day. Slow and consistent practice is best.

4. Provide Examples
Provide your child with an example of what his or her written name looks like. When teaching your child new letters, make sure to provide an example of what the letter looks like. Your child will need to refer back to your example as she learns to write. Model correct handwriting for your child. If you don't have great handwriting, select an easy-to-read font, and print out your child's name for him or her to see and attempt to copy. (When selecting a font, be mindful of how some of the letters are formed.)

Display your child's name around your home. Label her items. Write his name on artwork or papers. Let your child see her name in print as often as possible.

5. Practice the "Kindergarten" Way
The best tip I can provide regarding handwriting is to teach your child to write his or her name the "kindergarten" way. The kindergarten way is essentially the correct way to write your name. It is important to teach your child to write his or her name using a capital for the beginning letter and lowercase letters for the remaining letters. Many parents begin by teaching their children to write in all capitals, as they believe this will be easier. While it may be initially easier, your children will need to re-learn to write their names correctly when they begin school. It is worth the time and effort to teach them to write it correctly from the beginning.

MORE: 5 Creative Ways to Teach Kids to Spell Their Names

Before you know it, your children will be scrawling their names on every piece of paper they can get their hands on. Keep name-writing practice short, fun, and a positive time of learning. Remember that every child is different. Handwriting readiness and mastery will come at different times for different children. Some children are ready to begin at age 2. Other children are not ready until they are 5 or 6. While most children are capable of practice at 3 or 4, don't become discouraged if your child isn't showing signs of readiness. It will happen! With slow but consistent practice and lots of "small victory" celebrations, your child WILL write his name!

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