Question #0

A beachside community wants to prevent erosion with plants whose roots dig deep into the sand and soil. Which two plants would help this community?

Question #1

Park visitors in the Southwestern desert want to cool off in the shade beneath trees that are well adapted to the arid climate. Which two plants would help this community?

Question #2

Wetland restoration is underway to replace habitat and food sources for waterfowl, like ducks. Which two plants would help this community?

Question #3

Neighbors are building a rain garden – a garden filled with bushes and grasses to slow stormwater runoff and filters waterborne pollutants. Which two plants would help this community?

Question #4

Your class wants to learn about the plant cycle in the classroom. They’re looking for seeds that grow quickly and easily. Which two plants could they choose?

Question #5

Plans are underway to restore tropical rain forest that was cut down to make room for pastureland. Which two plants would help this community?

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Thrives in sandy soil


Tall, reedy grass that grows well by water

Ceiba trees
Ceiba trees

Grow very tall, with large, spreading canopies

Emory oak tree
Emory oak tree

Thrives in dry parts of the United States

Fountain grass
Fountain grass

Ornamental grass that grows in a fountain-like formation


Easy to grow and thrives under a wide variety of conditions

Pond weed
Pond weed

Grows in water


Can germinate within four days of planting

Silverleaf oak tree
Silverleaf oak tree

Is tall and can tolerate extreme heat

Southern bayberry bush
Southern bayberry bush

Root system minimizes soil erosion

Summersweet bush
Summersweet bush

A woody shrub that grows well in gardens

Tree ferns
Tree ferns

Native to tropical and subtropical regions


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